Other Programs


The Foundation supports other school programs by offering grant-writing assistance, by volunteering at in-school and community events, and by serving as custodian of funds raised in support of these programs.


grant-writing assistance

Many departments and school-sponsored activities have special programs and projects that require funding outside of what can be raised internally at the school. When this happens, program leads may request assistance from the Foundation in researching grant opportunities, and guidance in writing the grant itself.



Gamble Foundation members are active volunteers within the school community. Our volunteers have assisted with school clean-up days, ticket taking at school events, and serving as setup & clean up helpers at school events such as Montessori Market.


custodian of fundS

The Foundation does not directly solicit contributions for other in-school programs (such as Music Boosters, or the PTO); however, it does serve as custodian of funds raised for these efforts. Funds raised in support of these programs are automatically designated as “restricted” and cannot be used for other purposes.